miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012

GuitarChorder 1.1 Creating a script.

To avoid opening a terminal and execute operating system commands in order to run GuitarChorder 1.1 you can create a script file and leave it on the desktop. To create an application launcher follow these instructions depending on your operating system.

In Windows:

  • Open Notepad and type the following commands:
cd C: \ GuitarChorder (or where we unpacked GuitarChorder)
java-jar GuitarChorder.jar

  • Then go to "Save As" and give it a name with a .bat extension, for example "GuitarChorder.bat" or "GC.bat".
  • To run it click the mouse twice on it.
In Linux:

  • Write in a text editor (nano, mcedit, vim, nedit, etc..)
#! / bin / bash
cd / home / GuitaChorder (or where we unpacked GuitaChorder)
java -jar GuitarChorder.jar

  • Save it with a name, eg "GuitarChorder.sh" or "GC.sh".
  • Run "chmod x GuitarChorder.sh" to make it executable.
  • Run ". / GuitarChorder.sh" (the ". /" Means "current directory")

Para evitar tener que abrir un terminal y ejecutar comandos de sistema operativo para abrir GuitarChorder podemos crear un archivo de comandos y dejarlo en el Escritorio para que esté más a mano. Para crear un lanzador de aplicación sigue las siguientes instrucciones según sea tu sistema operativo.

En Windows:

  • Abrir el bloc de notas y escribir los siguientes comandos:

cd C:\GuitarChorder (o donde hayamos descomprimido GuitarChorder)
java -jar GuitarChorder.jar
  • Luego vamos a “Guardar Como” y le damos un nombre con la extensión .bat, por ejemplo “GuitarChorder.bat”, o bien “GC.bat”.
  • Para ejecutarlo solo tendrás que pulsar con el ratón dos veces.

En Linux:

  • Escribe en un editor de texto (nano, mcedit, vim, nedit, etc.):
#! /bin/bash
cd /home/GuitaChorder  (o donde hayamos descomprimido GuitaChorder)
java -jar GuitarChorder.jar  

  • Grábalo con un nombre cualquiera, por ejemplo “GuitarChorder.sh”, o bien “GC.sh”.
  • Ejecuta "chmod +x GuitarChorder.sh", con el nombre que lo hayas grabado para hacerlo ejecutable.
  • Ejecuta "./GuitarChorder.sh" (el "./" significa "del directorio actual")

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

Guitar Chorder 1.1 (III)

GuitarChorder Version 1.1 includes many additional features that make this application very appropriated for composing chord progressions and to help in learning guitar.

Directly in the fretboard, you can see most of chords, or if you are improvising or composing, the notes more appropriate for these chords. Additionally, you can see other modes for you to experience other sounds.

You can create chord sequences, modifying their octaves and change tempo and rhythm.

You can add MIDI files, such as drum samples or synthesized sounds that will run in sync with the chord progression.

The program allows you to configure other sound banks of your choice easily.

For more information see the Spanish manual included in the "doc" folder.

To install it, download and unzip the file GuitarChorder.zip in a folder of your choice. To run the application, just step on that folder and execute:
cd <folder>
java -jar GuitarChorder.jar

Note: You should run it in the same directory it was unzipped. Otherwise you will not find your previous data.

This program has the aim to be the ultimate composing application for guitarists, totally free. It is just three months old and as you know there is no program free of errors.

I urge everyone to have patience and understanding. I'll improve it with all the ideas you give me and correct its errors.

If you send me an eMail you'll receive the updates as they exit the oven. I hope you enjoy and find it useful.

Enrique Atienzar

It can be downloaded at:

La versión GuitarChorder 1.1 incluye muchas características adicionales que hacen de esta aplicación muy apropiada para componer progresiones de acordes y para ayudar en el aprendizaje de la guitarra.

Directamente en el mástil de la guitarra, podrá ver la mayoría de acordes, o bien, si usted está improvisando o componiendo, las notas que son más apropiadas para dichos acordes. Adicionalmente, podrá ver otros modos para que usted experimente otras sonoridades.

Podrá crear secuencias de acordes, modificando sus octavas y podrá modificar el tempo y el ritmo para la ejecución de las progresiones.

Podrá añadir secuencias MIDI, tales como samples de batería o sonidos sintetizados que se ejecutarán sincronizados con la progresión de acordes.

El programa permite configurar otros bancos de sonidos de su elección de una manera sencilla.

Para más información consulte el manual en español incluido en el directorio “doc” del fichero descargado.
Descargue el fichero GuitarChorder.zip y descomprímalo en una carpeta de su elección. Para ejecutar la aplicación basta con cambiarse a dicha carpeta y ejecutar con:

cd <directorio>
java -jar GuitarChorder.jar

Nota: Es conveniente ejecutarlo en el mismo directorio donde se encuentra el programa porque se crearán automáticamente varios directorios. Si lo ejecuta desde otros directorios no encontrará sus datos anteriores.

Este programa tiene como afán ser el programa de composición definitivo para guitarristas, totalmente gratuito. Solo tiene tres meses de vida y como todos saben ningún programa está libre de errores.

Ruego a todos tengan paciencia y comprensión. Lo iré completando con todas las ideas que me deis y con los errores corregidos que vayan surgiendo.

Si me enviais un eMail recibireis las versiones según vayan saliendo del horno. Espero que lo disfruteis y que os sirva de utilidad.

Enrique Atiénzar

Puede ser descargado desde:

viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012

GuitarChorder 1.0 (II)

As I promised a few days ago, I have improved the performance of GuitarChorder. The new features of this version are:
  • The octave of every note in a chord can be changed to be reversed, raised or lowered.
  • The chords configuration is recorded at the end of the program and read at startup. Obviously if we change the base chord, or its type, the program will recommend others and the user changes will be lost.
  • Now you can see other modes and scales (Lydian, Phrygian, Blues, Pentatonic, etc). This scale is the tonic scale, whether you're in a major or minor mode.
  • MIDI sequence of the selected chord progression will not end until you press the Stop button.

This new version can be downloaded at the GuitarChorder entrance of this blog.

Hope you like it. If you have any questions or recommendations I will be happy to develop, improve or clarify it for you.

miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012

Modes and Scales

This time we speak of the modes. In this blog we have seen the major and minor modes, which arise following the pattern of the scale of C and A respectively. However, there are others that when using them the sound is a little strange or at least different from what we are acostumed.
The scale of C follows the pattern of TTSTTTS (T = tone, S = semitone). This mode is called Ionian and if we start from the different notes and apply these patterns have the following modes.

Thus if we want to play the C scale in Lydian mode, this mode must be applied beginning with C, that is C-D-E-F#-G-A-B-C.

Obviously there are others, many come from Eastern music and on this blog we saw the blues scale, following the pattern of 3,2,1,1,3,2. Another example is the Lydian b7 which is very appropriate for dominant 7 chords as an alternative to Mixolidian, in this case the pattern is 2,2,2,1,2,1,2.

Soon I will include in GuitarChorder the ability to select other modes and scales. As soon as it's ready I'll let you know.

lunes, 23 de enero de 2012

GuitarChorder 1.0

I've developed an application to design chord progressions. This application has not been tested in diferent platforms, so I am opened to receive your comments and to fix bugs and errors.

This application helps guitar players to design the schema of chords for a new song.

1. Choose a root or tonic chord.

2. Try any chord from the recommended chords panel.

3. See chord or scale notes to improvise.

4. Select the chords you like
5. Export to a midi file. In addition, sequence data is written to a text file into the folder 'MySequences'

 You also can:
  • Right click on the mouse to change the octave of every note in a chord in order to invert, raise or lowered it.
  • Change the instrument sound.
  • Change the time pattern in quarter notes for every chord.
  • Use a beats per minute metronome.
  • Check other scales or modes of the tonic.

See new version here:
GuitarChorder 1.1

Once you download the application, open a terminal, go to the folder, create two folders under this one called "data" and "mySequences" and finally type:

java -jar GuitarChorder.jar

Write me with new ideas and tools you miss. I will include them and send to you the new release.

I hope you like it!