I promised a few days ago, I have improved the performance of
GuitarChorder. The new features of this version are:
- The octave of every note in a chord can be changed to be reversed, raised or lowered.
- The chords configuration is recorded at the end of the program and read at startup. Obviously if we change the base chord, or its type, the program will recommend others and the user changes will be lost.
- Now you can see other modes and scales (Lydian, Phrygian, Blues, Pentatonic, etc). This scale is the tonic scale, whether you're in a major or minor mode.
- MIDI sequence of the selected chord progression will not end until you press the Stop button.
This new version can be downloaded at the GuitarChorder entrance of this blog.
Hope you like it. If you have any questions or recommendations I will be happy to develop, improve or clarify it for you.