jueves, 7 de julio de 2011

Let's compose!

After some practice and learning music theory. I have compose my very first song. The chord progression for the first part is Am-Bm-Am-G-Bm-Em, for the second part is Am-Em-Bm7 and for the third part Bm-G-Em. It sounds a little sad and as coming from the middle ages. A friend of mine has added some drums and effects.

Anyone, all around the world, is invited to arrange, rearrange, remake or compose this structure.

Why don't we make a multi-ethnic group through the Internet? This could be a first step.

Join this adventure.

EMail: e_atienzar@yahoo.es

martes, 5 de julio de 2011

Blues Scale

The blues scale is similar to the minor pentatonic scale, but with an additional lowered fifth. The lowered fifth, also known as the "blue note", is essential in blues music. The blues scale consist in the following semitones (or frets)
3 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 2. Here are all the positions to memorize (the red and blue frets are the key and the blue note respectively).

And for every key note this is the chart with its notes.

The seventh chords, specially minor seventh chords, sound perfect with blues music. And the 12 bar progression is well known. That is I - I - I - I - IV - IV - I - I -  - V - IV- I - V. See Chord Progression.
I hope you enjoy.

Sorry, I have to go to practice.

viernes, 1 de julio de 2011

Building Chords

In Chord Progression I showed a chart with some recommended chords depending on the root key in both degrees, minor and major.

A very common chord is built with the combination of the following triads.

But these chords, although very useful, do not satisfy me. I have been looking on the Internet for many others alterations that can be made in every chord. You can see a whole explanation about building chords in a Spanish web page called  "El rincón del guitarrista". Another interesting page is How Music Works.org
I have made a schematic chart with all this.

Finnaly I developed a program that helps to build chords progressions. See  GuitarChorder 1.1.

Man at improve English!